Functional Health Therapies.

Expect Miracles.


TRT - Tissue Regenerative Therapy

The SoftWave TRT machine delivers the most effective extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) available and approved by the FDA for the treatment of injuries and degenerative ailments. This treatment is non-invasive and highly effective at treating chronic pain and degenerative conditions.

During this process blood circulation is improved and stem cell activity is initiated to enhance the body’s ability to heal and regenerate damaged tissue. Beneficial effects of this treatment can often be seen as early as one or two treatments. This non-invasive treatment can improve a person’s quality of life by eliminating pain and restoring mobility.

Reduces pain and inflammation, increase blood flow and circulation, induces stem cell recruitment, improves range of motion, simulates dormant healing.

Available at Jackson Center and Osgood

PEMF - Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequency

PEMF, is a revolutionary wellness modality that utilizes soothing Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields to stimulate and exercise the body’s cells. PEMF, also known as High Energy Inductive Therapy (HEIT), is trusted worldwide to address cellular dysfunction and support the body’s natural healing and regulating abilities.

The earth emits a pulsing electromagnetic field at 7.8 hertz. This natural energy field, combined with around 8 million global lightning strikes per day, allows our planet to sustain life. Much like the earth, our bodies are electromagnetic; our brains use electromagnetic signals to communicate with every bodily system. Science has proven that if our cells have enough electrical charge, the body will heal itself.

PEMF is a holistic supplement that infuses the body with natural energy at the cellular level. The body may use that energy to:

heal and regenerate itself

enhance its natural recovery process

assist with muscle fatigue and discomfort after exercise

increase energy or support relaxation

balance the body’s interconnected systems

Available at Jackson Center and Osgood

Neurofeedback (neuroinfinity)

In our office, we utilize the Neuroinfiniti Scanner which is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that allows us to measure your nervous system objectively, over a period of time.

Stressors in life are unavoidable and not necessarily bad things. Though it is hard to pinpoint, there is a point at which stressors go from mere challenges to ones with damaging and lasting consequences. In some cases, an individual challenge may be of a “trauma level”, while on the other hand, some stressors may be of a small but chronic nature. The problem for most people is that they are so good at mentally adapting to stress that they are no longer conscious of the weight it is putting on their system. The NeuroInfiniti is able to show you – and the patient- exactly how well they respond to stressors.

To measure the responses, 12 sensors are placed on your skin on your shoulder muscles, the top of your head, your forearms and your hands. These sensors are on the skin’s surface – there are no needles involved!

The machine then does a short 12 minute test. After that you can discover how you respond to and recover from three stress challenges.

Available at Jackson Center and Osgood

Brain Tap

Brain Tap is a quick and easy way to relax, reboot and revitalize by simply optimizing your brain’s peak potential—anytime, anywhere. Backed by neuroscience and research, “braintapping” is proven to help people who experience high stress, difficulty sleeping, low energy, and other lifestyle challenges. Brain tap guides your mind from an awake, reactionary mind into an intuitive, creative state, then to a place where super-learning and healing can occur, with the outcome being a heightened state of consciousness with crystal clear focus.

Available at Jackson Center


The Intersegmental Traction Table— better known as the roller table— stretches, exercises, and massages the spine prior to your adjustment with Dr. Dillon. Priming the spine in this way allows the adjustment to be more effective. After sitting all day in a neutral or flexed forward position, the discs can become dehydrated and stiff. This traction table allows fluid to flush into the disc as it makes its revolutions through the spine for a smooth and comfortable adjustment.

Available at Dublin

Erchonia Laser

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), commonly known as “cold” laser, has been used worldwide for over 40 years to relieve pain, remove scars, heal wounds and regenerate nerves. The use of low level lasers is the perfect complement to chiropractic spinal adjustments for enabling the body to restore its natural state of balance and health.

Cold lasers work so well because it goes to work at the cellular level. Unlike heat lasers, which are used in surgery to cut problem tissue, the cold laser does not generate heat and destroy tissue; instead it stimulates healing. Erchonia laser is used for acute and chronic pain as well as post-operative pain.

Available at Jackson Center

EB Cellular Cleanse Therapy

Used to cleanse the body of the harmful toxins it comes in contact with everyday, the "EB" improves energy levels and increases immune system response. With treatment, the body's cells learn to work and purge outside toxins at a higher rate and to withstand the external stressors that can slow the body down.

The EB cleanse uses an aqueous solution (water & sodium chloride) in a foot bath as a conduit for exchanging ions. The energy field created within the body draws negative and positive ions together, helping negate their harmful effect while gently stimulating cellular cleansing.

Available at Jackson Center

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression complements your chiropractic care. It is a computer controlled mechanical traction on the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine. 

Spinal discs are made up of living cells that need oxygen and nutrition like any living cell, however they do not have a direct blood supply. Everything the disc needs must come from the process of diffusion from blood-rich vertebral bones above and below each disc. During the process of nonsurgical spinal decompression, negative pressure is created in the disc. This negative pressure pulls oxygen, water and nutrients into the disc from the adjacent bones. This negative pressure can also pull prolapsed disc material back into the disc and away from the nerves.

Available at Dublin

B.E.S.T. Technique for Insomnia and Restless Sleep

The Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.), developed by Dr. M. T. Morter, Jr., over 45 years ago, is a gentle healing system used to address stress and promote balance in the body including the nervous, muscular, circulatory, digestive, and hormonal systems. When a system moves out of balance and becomes exhausted, it creates a pattern of physical, emotional, and chemical symptoms including illness and disease.

Because your body is electromagnetic in nature, both electrical fields and magnetic fields affect it. It will reveal short-circuited neurological patterns as a result of unresolved subconscious emotional patterns, affecting all systems required for health and wellness. Those patterns can be demonstrated as tight muscles, dysfunctional organs or glands, emotional stress, or depression-type reactions. B.E.S.T. practitioners access areas of the brain by touching certain points around the head and body in a specific sequence, while having you think about certain memory stresses, so your body can begin to reconnect the circuitry with the brain.

Clinical experience has shown that B.E.S.T. is a painless, non-force methodology of treatment for many types of conditions often treated with medications and surgeries because it addresses the cause of the short-circuited neurological patterns instead of the symptoms.

Available at all locations

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on treatment that focuses on the craniosacral system, which includes the membranes and fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. CST aims to boost the body's natural healing processes.

The spheno-basilar junction (SBS) is a critical area at the base of the skull where two bones meet. It allows for subtle movements of the cranial bones, which are essential for the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and overall cranial health.

Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy

Pain Relief: CST can help alleviate chronic pain, including headaches, neck pain, and back pain.

Stress Reduction: Many people feel deeply relaxed during and after CST sessions.

Improved Mobility: CST can enhance joint mobility and overall physical function.

Emotional Well-Being: Some people find emotional relief as CST can help release deep-seated trauma or stress.

Available at all locations