Cellular Healing.
Expect Miracles.
A modern concept that harnesses ancient wisdom to enhance the production and utilization of stem cells in your body. Stem cells are the seeds of all biological life. All human life begins with a single stem cell, which multiples to eventually give rise to trillions of cells and form each and every system in the body.
This 7 week journey helps harness the power of stem cells through the use of therapeutic strategies revolved around modifying your diet, intermittent fasting, ketosis, and diet variation. This closely monitored, proven system leads you down a path of becoming less inflamed systemically; so your body can produce indirect stem cells like it was designed too.
7 week introductory group course teaching clean keto and intermittent fasting techniques.
Class meets one time a week - this class is required prior to joining TCD or being accepted as a Platinum patient.
We run Stemnomics classes out of our Jackson Center and Osgood offices. Please contact those offices for upcoming class information!
The next Stemnomics class in Jackson Center will begin January 3, at 6:30pm!
TCD - True Cellular Detox
This program is almost like a “level 2” of stemnomics - it is a more in depth detox of the body over a longer period of time. In order to participate in TCD, you must first complete stemnomics.
2 week group course which consists of 3 phases (prep, body, and brain), to assist the body in removing buried, cellular toxicities.
Cellular detoxification is the missing link in modern day healing techniques and was absent from the health and wellness industry until recently. Our world contains more chemicals, toxins, and stresses than ever before, and our bodies are struggling to keep up. Cellular toxicity and chronic inflammation are contributing factors, if not the cause, of many diseases.
Think of your body as a bucket. Now imagine the toxins that surround us in daily life are the liquid that slowly fills that bucket. With each toxic exposure, drop-by-drop, your bucket becomes more full. A drop here and there isn’t such a big deal; however, chronic exposure to an onset of chemical, physical and emotional stressors fills up your bucket each day, and at some point the bucket begins to overflow.
The disease epidemic is at the cellular level, and the detox MUST go there to be effective. The True Cellular Detox™ process begins by determining which sources of stress may be causing body-wide damage and supporting the body’s natural ability to remove them. Removing the toxic source that has accumulated over time in the body is essential to getting results, and can be where health restoration begins. This 90 Day True Cellular Detox Program by Systemic Formulas is specifically designed to support the detoxification of organs, detox the cells, and remove toxins from your body and brain. The 3 True Cellular Detox Program phases were formulated to heal the trillions of cells in your body, decrease free radicals, and decrease chronic cellular inflammation.
The Three Phases of the True Cellular Detox Program
Prep Phase: Strengthen downstream natural cellular detox pathways to support toxin removal.
Body Phase: Removes toxins at the cellular level and sets up a concentration gradient to move toxins from deeper tissue stores (i.e. brain).
Brain Phase: Clears deeper bio-accumulated neurotoxins that lead to most symptoms.
Platinum TCD
24 week individualized course for challenging, involved cases, often with multiple toxicities. Limited availability - must be accepted into program by one of the doctors or Leisha.
Supplementation is individualized and is in addition to the program fee. One on one 30 minute consultation every 2-4 weeks included in the cost of the program.