Frequently Asked Questions
Do you accept insurance?
None of the providers take insurance because we do not want insurance telling us what we can and cannot do for our community. In general, insurance companies are not focused on any preventative or wellness services. They were designed for quick, short-term symptom and disease care and treatment which is heavily invested in the conventional model of health care that too often relies on drugs and surgery.
As Chris Kresser says, “Insurance-based medicine is not evidence-based medicine.” Realize that what our culture calls health care is actually “sick” care, since it has little to do with advancing true health. It’s mostly about suppressing symptoms while ignoring the underlying cause. We are committed to a vitalistic model that addresses the underlying causes of your symptoms through gentle + specific, nervous system focused chiropractic adjustments, pelvic floor physical therapy, and functional medicine.
Now, if you have a policy it will probably help with at least some of the expense of your sick care. But few policies pay for things that help us keep our health. The great news is that by not having to deal with insurance companies, office costs are kept down, so we can offer affordable care for the whole family. Many of our providers will gladly provide you with the necessary documentation to get reimbursed if you’re willing to file yourself. We accept HSA and FSA forms of payment and always welcome open and honest conversations about finances. We are here to serve you and will do all that we can to help.
What is chiropractic?
The purpose of chiropractic care is not the treatment of conditions or disease; rather, it is the restoration of normal body function. As chiropractors, we work with the nervous system via gentle spinal adjustments. We reduce stress related interference to the nervous system, thereby enhancing overall body function. All the systems of the body — circulatory, digestive, eliminatory, hormonal, glandular, immunological, muscular, reproductive, respiratory, and skeletal — depend on the optimal function of the nervous system. Our conventional healthcare system is mechanistic in that it views the body broken down into its distinct mechanical parts and there’s a specialist responsible for caring for each individual system.
A healing model based on vitalism, however, believes that the body is a dynamic, ever-changing organism, continuously changing and adapting to its needs and desires. Vitalism also assumes that there is an intelligence and order within the organism that is designed to heal the body, and every system in the body coordinates functions with each other system. Chiropractic is designed on the concept of vitalism. It is believed that the body has an Innate Intelligence to healing, and dis-ease occurs when the body’s natural ability to adapt to life’s forces (stress, environmental toxins, traumatic events) is interrupted.
The thing that disrupts this communication pathway is called a subluxation, which interferes with the normal function of the nervous system. By removing subluxations through a very safe, specific, and controlled force applied to a joint, the interference is removed and the body’s nervous system is able to function fully and properly. In essence, with chiropractic, true healing is coming from within the body rather than from the chiropractor’s adjustment. Overall, conventional medicine is based on an outside-in approach where healing comes from something being added to the body, such as medicine or surgery, while chiropractic is based on an inside-out approach where healing occurs when the body’s own healing powers are activated.
Why should I go to a chiropractor during my pregnancy?
Research shows that prenatal chiropractic care contributes to a more straightforward labor with less pain and trauma for mother and child. It can improve the balance and alignment of the spine and pelvis and can provide a more comfortable pregnancy and delivery for mother and baby. By restoring balance to the nervous system through gentle and specific nervous system centered chiropractic adjustments, optimal function to the reproductive organs is restored thus supporting the needs of your baby throughout pregnancy. Our doctors are certified in Webster Technique from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA).
Why should I bring my baby to a chiropractor?
There are a lot of pressures and forces being exerted onto your baby during their journey into the world. A recent study by Viola Frymann demonstrated that 90% of newborns suffered the effects of birth trauma: associated strain through the neck and cranial areas following birth. Frymann, an American osteopathic doctor, studied more than 1,500 babies periodically across an 8 year period. She examined all babies within the first 5 days of birth; in fact, many were checked within the first 24 hours. The study revealed that 10% of the newborn babies had perfectly, freely mobile skulls or cranial mechanisms. 10% had severe trauma to the head, evident even to untrained observers. The remaining 80% all had some strain patterns in the cranial mechanisms. Birth in its many different forms can be quite traumatic. While each birth is unique, there is always a chance that the baby suffers some sort of strain due to a variety of reasons. Even the most natural births can result in trauma that goes undetected. As researcher G. Gutmann has written, “The trauma from the birth process remains an under-publicized and therefore significantly under-treated problem.” Here is a list of some things that can cause birth trauma in infants:
Very short labor (under 2 hours)
Very long labor (over 8 hours)
The use of Pitocin to strengthen / induce uterine contractions
Pain medications
Restricted maternal birthing positions
Pulling or twisting on the head to deliver the infant’s body
The use of forceps or vacuum extraction
Cesarean delivery
Left uncorrected, this trauma continues to impact a baby’s spinal growth and development, reducing the healthy function of the nervous system. 65% of neurological development (development of the brain and nervous system) occurs in the child’s first year so it’s imperative to ensure that your baby has every opportunity to maximize their nerve function during this critical period in their development and our doctors have additional training from the ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association) to be able to serve little ones especially well.
I’ve heard that if I start going to the chiropractor, I have to keep going forever. Is that true?
As with all good things, regular maintenance is required for optimal function, recovery, and sustainability. When you go to the gym, you do not stop going once you are fit. You keep going to maintain your fitness. This same principle applies with your spinal health. When joints become fixated or stuck together, it takes 30 days for there to be a decline in tissue quality, for this reason, it is recommended that all patients get adjusted at least once a month once after you’ve completed the initial care plan. Our doctors will review your specific frequency recommendations at the end of your initial care plan and we will come up with a way to keep you well for a lifetime!