The Six Essentials to Health.

What you eat.

The pH scale goes from 0 - 14, with 0 being very acidic and 14 being very alkaline. On the pH scale, 7.0 is neutral.The body is alkaline by design and acid by function.

This means that our body functions best in an alkaline environment with the exception of the stomach. Different systems have different alkaline ranges, but overall, the body wants to be slightly alkaline.

Opportunistic bacteria and diseases can't live in an alkaline environment, but are quite comfortable (and can proliferate profusely) in an acid environment. Whether we know it or not, we choose our own pH by the foods we eat. Poor nutrition results in dietary TOXICITY!

Although there are four food groups, there are only two kinds of foods that we really need to be concerned with: acid-ash and alkaline-ash foods.

Our bodies want alkaline-ash foods. This means your body wants foods that, after being broken down by the digestive process and the nutrients have been absorbed, the leftovers (or the ash) are neutral or on the slightly alkaline side. The alkaline-ash foods are good for your health.

We have a storehouse of alkaline-reserve minerals that we're born with. If your meal has an acid-ash residual after digestion, your body must make a withdrawal from your alkaline reserve to neutralize the acid so the delicate internal tissues after the digestive process won't be burned.

Everything you eat either makes a deposit into your "alkaline reserve" savings account, or makes a withdrawal.

Unfortunately, the American diet consists of mostly high-protein foods; mostly animal products and grains that have an acid-ash residual.If you want to eat foods that make a deposit into your alkaline reserve, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables.We have a very narrow blood pH range of 7.35 - 7.45. If your blood pH moves out of that range, you won't survive.

So your body will compensate by robbing the minerals it needs from other parts of your body to maintain this critical range. It will do what it has to in order to survive! It will take from the gallbladder, the bones, etc. These withdrawals will be detrimental to your long-term health - the problems you'd like to see improve, won't!

Priority system of healing

If your body has an acidic pH, alkalizing will have a higher priority for healing than the symptoms you're probably concerned about. Since most patient complaints are not life-threatening, the body will ignore them in order to concentrate on the toxicity (low pH = acidity) caused by your diet. When you bring your pH back to a normal range, your body will now dedicate the energy needed to heal your less serious symptoms.

Suppose you have back pain that you want to go away, but you also have a heart problem that you don't know about. Your body will ignore the back problem because it is not life-threatening, and it will focus on healing the heart which is life-threatening. Once the heart is taken care of, the body will concern itself with the next most life-threatening situation.

We also have an alkalizing supplement line that can support your efforts to raise you pH and achieve dietary balance.

One of the worst fables commonly told in America today is that you can't eat too much protein. You can, and most Americans do! The most commonly consumed high-protein foods in America is meat (and animal products in general). Becoming a vegetarian isn't necessary! Vegetarians can have a low pH as well if they eat too many grains (which are acidic), and not enough fruits and vegetables.

Make Dietary Changes Slowly

Your body has adapted to your diet and lifestyle, even if those CHOICES are not healthy ones. So if you change your diet quickly, your body will suffer some effects from that. It takes time to adapt the digestive process/enzyme production capability for the new foods you're eating. So allow your body to adapt to the changes slowly. The fruits and vegetables are necessary.

Your diet change may also cause you to go into a detoxification mode. While this is good, it may result in colds, acne and rashes so that it can flush out toxins that have accumulated in your tissues and cells. Better health will come after some ups and downs.

You may also feel tired. Why? Because your body is not being stimulated by sugar, caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, etc. Keep it up. Your body will balance itself out and you will recover your energy levels the right way. You want your body to be internally regulated, not externally stimulated.

Avoid incomplete foods (boxed and processed foods), and stimulatory foods (coffee, cola, candy, sugar, tobacco products, etc.). They lack the necessary enzymes, minerals, co-factors, and fiber to properly digest the food without robbing from the body to do so.

What you drink.

Your body is mostly water and needs water as its primary liquid. Since your body was designed to regulate itself internally, drinking external stimulants puts added stress on your body and interferes with the regulation of blood sugar. Water and alcohol are the only substances that can go directly into your bloodstream. Other liquids must go through the digestive process. You should drink mostly water (but some fruit and vegetable juices would be okay, too).

You should drink reverse osmosis water. It's the best available. You can purchase your own reverse osmosis system for under $200. Another option is to purchase your reverse osmosis water from a machine at Wal-Mart, your local grocery store, or health food store.

How much water should I drink daily?

Drink half your weight in ounces of water every day. Example: If you weigh 200 lbs, drink 100 ounces of water a day. If your diet is 70% fruits and vegetables, just drink water when you feel thirsty. You'll get the rest from the fruits and vegetables which are loaded with water.

How you exercise.

Your body needs exercise that increases your heart rate, promotes muscle activity, and aids neurological integration, so your body works as it was designed.

Excellent exercises that achieve all three are swimming or walking correctly. You should exercise at least three times a week for 30 minute or more.

If you're well enough to be involved in a lifestyle sport, like mountain biking, hiking, or kayaking, you'll receive some additional benefits. It's refreshing to be out in nature, to face the challenges, and to meet new people. It will be a great stress-reliever and you'll have friends to talk with and keep you accountable.

How you rest.

Adequate, uninterrupted sleep each night is essential for cell repair. If you eat large meals too close to bedtime or drink the wrong liquids throughout the day, your over-stimulate your body. This makes uninterrupted, restful, repairing sleep difficult.

You should get a minimum of 5 hours of sleep per night; 6-8 hours would be better. You'll find you sleep much better and are more rested feeling when you wake up if you have a consistent exercise program.

How & what you breathe.

How - Take DEEP breaths through your nose that expand your abdomen. Don't be a shallow breather! Correct breathing is important. It causes the diaphragm to work the way it was designed to, which augments heart action and lymphatic pumping. "Correct" breathing helps re-balance the autonomic nervous system.

What - if you can smell the air you breathe, it's stressful. While the toxins in your food and liquids are cleaned by the liver before entering the bloodstream, the toxins you breathe from smoking or living and working in a smoke and smog filled environment, go directly into your bloodstream.

What you think about.

How you think is probably the only thing on earth that you have absolute control over, and if you harness this concept, you'll see an improvement in your attitude, life, and health.

How do I go through life without causing interference?

LEARN THE LESSON! Our purpose here on earth is to observe and interact with everything and everybody in such a way that it never causes interference. There are no neutral thoughts. Every thought is either health-enhancing or disease-producing. There are no exceptions to this rule.

In fact, every emotion you have produces chemicals (hormones) that elicit a response from your body. For example, when we feel chronically hostile, norepinephrine is secreted which contributes to our risk of hypertension, arteriosclerosis and heart attack. If we believe our problems are beyond control, cortisol increases which can impair our immune system, making us more vulnerable to infections and cancer. If we think we cannot cope effectively, our dopamine level(which is related to our sense of reward and pleasure) diminishes. If we have a sense of control or self-efficacy, our levels of stress hormones (cortisol, norepinephrine, and epinephrine) decline. This material is directly from Dr. MT Morter.

The School of Life

People often adopt detrimental 'victim' worldviews. They have an attitude of, "Oh look what happened to me! Oh, poor me, did you see what happened to me!" But that's the wrong way to think. Most of the physically harmful feelings we have come from replaying the past like this.

You must adopt an attitude and belief that nothing happens TO you, it only happens FOR you so you can learn a lesson.

So if you observe or experience something that is upsetting to you, that's a part of your training - a part of your life that you are trying to correct. You're learning. Be aware of the journey and where you are on it.

So think about what you "think about" when you think about it.

Man is the only creature on earth who can injure himself with conscious thought.

Be aware of your thought processes. Adopt a mentality that says "nothing happens to me, it always happens for me, so that I can learn a lesson." If you use your conscious mind in that way, you'll never create interference with the power that made you. Learning to use our conscious minds in ways that will never harm us is one of life's major lessons.


Five Steps to Forgiveness.